The story
Juliette Lagouche, eagerly expecting a long-awaited parcel, sees her day turn into a series of comic adventures as unexpected obstacles stand between her and her delivery, making the wait increasingly bitter.
Duration: 9’27”
Category: Fiction
Genre: Comedy, Humor
Country: France
Year: 2024
Produced by: The Blue Dog.
Sara Grimaldi
Sara Grimaldi, Italo Scialdone
Lisa Cipriani as Juliette Lagouche
Mazigh Bouaïch as Livreur
Claude Mathieu as Voisine
Christine Anglio as Maman
Myrddrina Antoni as Anne
Matteo Pellegrinuzzi
Art Director

Lili-Jeanne Zunino
Kirian Bar
Lucien Burckel de Tell
Luigi Scialdone
Sound Post-Production
Olivier Esman
Director Statement
"La Dolce Attesa" is much more than a simple comedy; it's a satirical exploration of our contemporary society focused on overconsumption and compulsive buying.
Through the hilarious misadventures of Juliette Lagouche, a modern woman whose happiness seems to depend solely on her compulsive purchases, we delve into the absurdities of daily life, where the wait itself becomes the setting for comic events.
Only to find out that once the wait is over, there's nothing exciting left to enjoy. The adrenaline it produced is the only aspect that ultimately prevails over the rest. This phenomenon is increasingly evident in a society where online purchases are multiplying all the time.
The story both thought-provoking and entertaining. Juliette's comical situations reveal the contradictions of our times, highlighting the obsession with constant connectivity, unrealistic expectations and the inevitable misunderstandings that ensue. The exceptional cast, including Lisa Cipriani, Claude Mathieu (Honorary Member of the Comédie-Française), Mazigh Bouaïch, Christine Anglio, and Myrddrina Antoni, bring a unique richness and depth to the characters, reinforcing the film's satirical tone. Each actor contributes to creating a lively, dynamic ensemble that amplifies the nonsense of the incessant quest for happiness and satisfaction.
Through "La Dolce Attesa," we aim to entertain the audience while prompting them to reflect on the comedic and sometimes absurd aspects of our contemporary lifestyle. The film is not only an amusing interlude, but also an opportunity to question our own attitudes and expectations towards contemporary life.
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